Last wekend EA came to Hollywood for an all inclusive and engulfing video game experience. Attendees congregated at the iconic Palladium which was converted into various station in which they could play EA’s current, as well some of their yet to be released titles like highly anticipated Battlefront 2 and Fifa 18. As you’d expect with such massive games in their catalogue space was limited and lines were long. Thankfully there was other entertainment by way of a dj and special performances from the likes of Nas. Media were also treated to the theatre space for runs of the PC ports of each game as well as key note briefing’s about the upcoming titles. Various youtube gaming celebs were also on hand to take photos and mingle with fans. We briefly chopped it up with Chuboi and Batseson from Fifa fame.
Naturally we took the Fifa 18 line about 5 times to get a few runs of the new game. While there is still much to be released and we essentially played a demo, the game felt smooth and crisp. We will have a much more in depth review along with more content in the weeks to come as Fifa 18 gets closer to launch.